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AUDEAMUS Service Dog has incorporated the concept of the One World Health of multiple practices for one’s optimal health around a person, animal and the environment being considered together to heal a person.

AUDEAMUS Service Dogs’ training intake is centered around connection initially through pre-learning lessons with initial in-person training in a rural environment that is the starting place to connect to the new partner – service dog and in turn develop connections to other experiencing the same struggles and have the same understandings.

The diagram above depicts our program.

Spirituals Connections - the belief in something greater,

Biological Health - Physical Activity,

Social Emotional Supports- connection and belonging,

Psychological Health - Support and communication.

This approach has threads throughout our entire program in learning and understanding to improve the lives of the handlers involved. A key component has been the incorporation of centering a training program for a handler to specially train their service dog in relation to the human animal bond to required skills and tasks.

There is a meaningful interaction that occurs through our strategy of pairing a dog with minimal training with an injured person so that the handler with the aid of the AUDEAMUS team determines the specific skills that impacts and benefits them individually.

AUDEAMUS Service Dogs’ approach through the four above components play a profound role in connection, developing or regaining feeling, healing and being present/safe occurs through the connective of the nonjudgement of a dog that just wants to open their heart to the injured handler.


AUDEAMUS works with and supports veterans and first responders suffering from mental and/or physical disabilities to train service dogs for certification. Our program is unique in its research informed holistic and connection-based approach to service dog training. This connection is built between program members through peer support in our pre-training phase in which we prepare our handlers to work successfully with their service dog. Connection is continually built and reinforced within handler-service dog teams with the help of our dedicated trainers to work towards certification. Our program, and these wonderful dogs, work to improve physical/emotional well-being and independence of our handlers while also maintaining the welfare of our service dogs.


2020 © Audeamus Service Dogs Program

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